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religious doctrine 意味

"religious doctrine"の例文


  • 信仰教義{しんこう きょうぎ}
  • religious     religious adj. 宗教の, 宗教を信奉する, 信心の; 細心の. 【副詞】 deeply religious きわめて信心深い
  • doctrine     doctrine n. 教義, 主義, 学説, 信条; 原則; 政策, 方針; 教え. 【動詞+】 abandon an older
  • religious doctrine that's coming down    検閲{けんえつ}するために使われた宗教教義{しゅうきょう きょうぎ}
  • significant role of religious doctrine    宗教{しゅうきょう}の教義{きょうぎ}の果たす重要{じゅうよう}な役割{やくわり}
  • doctrine     doctrine n. 教義, 主義, 学説, 信条; 原則; 政策, 方針; 教え. 【動詞+】 abandon an older doctrine より古い主義を捨てる accept Christian doctrine キリスト教の教義を受け入れる adopt the doctrine その教義を採る advocate the doct
  • not religious    宗教心のない
  • religious     religious adj. 宗教の, 宗教を信奉する, 信心の; 細心の. 【副詞】 deeply religious きわめて信心深い passionately religious 狂信的な a strongly religious temperament きわめて信心深い性分. 【+前置詞】 He was religious in h
  • (doctrine of) anarchism    (doctrine of) anarchism 無政府主義 むせいふしゅぎ
  • abstention doctrine    不審理{ふ しんり}の原則{げんそく}
  • advocate the doctrine of    ~の説を唱道{しょうどう}する
  • availability doctrine    アベイラビリティ理論{りろん}、入手可能性理論
  • believe the doctrine    その学説{がくせつ}を信じる
  • brezhnev doctrine    ブレジネフ?ドクトリン
  • bush doctrine    ブッシュ?ドクトリン◆米国43代大統領 George Walker Bush が2002年9月20日に発表した米国の新安全保障戦略。大量破壊兵器を保有する敵対国やテロ組織への断固たる予防的先制攻撃を正当化、圧倒的な軍事力の優位を堅持することを打ち出した。国際協調やテロの抑止といったそれまでの政策を転換し、米国の国益を最重要視しているのが特徴。
  • carter doctrine    カーター?ドクトリン


  • since then , the religious doctrine was changed to the soto sect .
  • this word is not usually used in the religious doctrine other than jodo sect .
  • from the standpoint of the graveyard , it seems that his religious doctrine is jodo (pure land ) sect .
  • famed for his abilities as a scholar , he established nanchi-in jogan-ji temple and taught religious doctrine .
  • it was established during the age of the han dynasty when this thought of ju-ka was recognized as a national learning of religious doctrine .
  • shodo-mon (gateway of the holy path ) is the religious doctrine preaching to become a buddha by self-power through various practices .
  • in addition , it says that it was named as the zen sect because only the religious doctrine which was introduced by daruma corresponded to the true zenna .
  • according to nichiren , shingon buddhism stole the teaching about the 3 ,000 realms of existence from the tendai school of buddhism and adopted it as its own religious doctrine .
  • however , it is believed that kataku jinne , an apprentice to eno , compiled the records of eno ' s preaching " rokusodankyo " based on the religious doctrine .
  • ritsu buddhism is based on religious precepts that were practiced during the time when buddha was still alive; it adopts these precepts , including the 250 precepts of hinayana buddhism , as its fundamental religious doctrine .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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